ICEVO recently held a successful intensive four-day continuing education workshop on advanced equine dentistry. The seminar workshop was conducted by Diplomates of ICEVO: International College of Equine Veterinary Odontologists.
Veterinarians from Canada, U.S., Europe and Austrlaia spent 4 days studying advances in equine dental anatomy, diseases of the head and oral cavity, new treatments for periodontal disease, new surgical techniques for sinus infection and extraction techniques.
One day was devoted to practicing new approaches for radiographing the structures of the teeth and sinuses including discussions of the changes seen on x-rays of diseased teeth and sinuses. Lectures also concentrated on advances in sedation dentistry, intraoral extraction of teeth, and new approaches for anesthesia of cranial nerves for painless and stress free equine dental procedures.
ICEVO is an international association of equine veterinarians chartered in Alberta Canada, devoted to advancing education in equine dentistry for the betterment of our horse patients.